The competence in the trial of El Paso was denied because he had asked … an autograph from the accused | More: International


For 25 years, Guzman has headed one of the world's most powerful drug cartels.

On Monday, the appointed juror, who lives in New York for 20 years but was born in Medellin, Colombia, said he liked the police's television series and that he was well aware of the problem of trafficking. drug because of his antecedents.

Medegine became known around the world as it was the center of the global cocaine trade at the time of Pablo Escobar.

The young man seems to have asked a court courier if he could have an autograph from El Paso, the most wanted person in the United States after Osama Bin Laden.

One of the prosecutors asked that the young man be fired because he is … in love with El Paso. However, the defense lawyer had a different point of view. The judge intervened and asked him directly why he had requested an autograph from the accused. And he replied, "Because I admire him a little."

As a result, they immediately removed him from the list of possible jury members.

El Paso himself, sitting on the dock, dressed in a dark suit and a blue shirt with a plaid tie, seemed to be amused by this incident.

The selection of 12 jurors and 6 of their substitutes began Monday and will end Friday. Many who have been summoned declare that they do not want to participate in this trial. On Monday, two women were excluded from the process, saying they feared retaliation from El Paso partners. Today, the judge said that another woman had told him that his mother was threatening to move if she became a juror at the trial.

A person suffering a panic attack and transferred to a hospital was also excluded.

In order to protect the jury, the process is held behind closed doors. Their names are confidential and will be accompanied daily to the Brooklyn District Court, where security measures have been strengthened.

Guzman is accused of being ruled from 1989 to 2014 on the Shinlaloa plague that imported more than 154 tons of cocaine into the United States, huge amounts of heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana, a total value of $ 14 billion.

Source: RES / BIP

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