The "contract" of Americans and Russians on Alexandroupolis and its reasons


At the heart of recent developments in Russian activity in Greece that have resulted in the expulsion of Russian diplomats, Alexandroupolis appears to be: According to the Financial Times, this activity was particularly intense in the city, which raises the question of interest for Alexandroupolis and its port for the Russian side and the American side

As reported in a recent report from Realnews, the Russian interest in the city has existed for years because it is Of crucial importance for energy planning in the region – in July 2015, at the initiative of his consul general Russia in Thessaloniki, Alexei Popov (whose name has been reported in publications concerning the projects of Increase of the Russian influence at Mount Athos and influence on the situation regarding the agreement of Prespa) has become a twinning of Alexandroupolis with St. Petersburg, should consider a link air scenario between the two cities and the construction of the Russian church of 7000 expatriates.

As stated in the Realnews report, with the statements of the Russian Ambbadador Andrei Mazlov a few months ago, the Russians had left open the possibility of claiming the port of Alexandroupolis when a call for tenders had been announced by the TAIFA. and a keen interest – with the US Ambbadador, Jeffrey Paat, to point out that building a liquefied natural gas terminal in the region is a top priority for the United States. Indeed, for the Americans, the region of Alexandroupolis is of crucial importance in terms of pipelines (TAP, TGI) and, more importantly, port as a gateway to liquefied gas American in Europe. There are also American helicopter designs in the area, so they do not see Russian activities positively – while there are concerns about the intense Russian presence in the city's business community [19659002] It should be noted that the Russian links with the city are historians, as it was found a Russian military force during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878, occupying it by the Ottomans. Indeed, as mentioned in a publication of "Step", the "Russian House", a cultural club of the city, was the pioneer of the erection of a relative monument for the dead soldiers of the city. a typhoon at the time. It is worth mentioning that the site served the interests of Russians, and the 9th Russian Army Regiment designed a street drawing in the model of Odessa, while designing Faro, the symbol of the city [19659005] More generally, as underlined by the step, in recent years Alexandroupolis has been slowly but surely transformed by ballet, choir, Russian language and other cultural activities in a "Russian city", but these have changed with the arrival of the ambbadador. Jeffrey Pajat, who, coming from Ukraine, has a thorough knowledge of the functioning of the Russians. Mr Payat, with a number of visits to northern Greece, showed strong US interest in the region.

It is worth mentioning that, according to sources spoken in "Vima", the main goal of Moscow's attempt to increase its influence in Greece is the weakening of the Church of Greece in the context of the deconstruction effort of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. by the Moscow Patriarchate, in search of the primacy of world Orthodoxy


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