The Council of Europe rejects the request of Pan-Macedonian organizations to suspend the Prespa agreement | Greece


The State Council rejected the request of the Pan-Macedonian organizations requesting the suspension of the Prespa Agreement, signed between the Foreign Ministers of Greece and Skopje on June 17, 2018. [19659002] In particular, the Panhellenic Federation of Macedonian Cultural Associations and 13 Pan-Macedonian Unions of Macedonian expatriates and demanding that the Prespa Agreement be suspended and annulled because it violates Article 27 of the Constitution , according to which, before the signing of the agreement, (19659002) It was decided that the main request for cancellation will be debated in plenary session of the Council of Europe in the first ten days of December next, the rapporteur being the President of the Republic of Macedonia. State Councilor Dimitris Skaltsounis

Vice-President Athanasios Rantos and the rapporteur, Mr. Skaltsounis, today adopted Decision No. 199/2018 of the Committee on Suspensions of the Council of Europe, who rejected the suspended application. 659002] In addition, the judges continue, in the event that the agreement would not enter into force as a whole and "in its provisions separately, it will not bind any of the parties in any way."

At the same time, as the allegations of organizations that NATO and the European Union announce that the Hellenic Republic supports the accession of Macedonia to these organizations "will create a situation that will put the Greek Parliament before the fait accompli when it will be called to ratify the acts of accession the public prosecutor replied that, regardless of the legitimate interest of the applicants, it does not seem that these procedures would have been completed before the entry into force of the agreement,

At the same time, the Council of Europe states that Pan-Macedonian organizations maintain that the risk of losing the name "Macedonian Greek products are immediate and the economic consequences for the Greek market are irreversible: Greek products from Macedonia will be unpredictable, and there will surely be challenges for brands and names Greek products and companies.

However, State Councilors state that "this statement refers in particular to potential, future and uncertain situations, which, moreover, are not directly caused by the text of the text. agreement, is, in any event, inadmissible – in addition to its vagueness – alleged in the interests of a third party, the applicants relying it seems that they have some legal connection with a particular product, brand or company directly affected by the application of the terms of the agreement. "

On another point, the organizations claim that the provisional application of the agreement will result in direct textbooks in the direction of falsification of Greek history. However, the CoE replied that this consequence "is future and uncertain, mainly because it does not seem that the revision of the textbooks is necessary, and more precisely in which direction it will be initiated if necessary by the multidisciplinary committee to put in place. in place "

In addition, the court decision adds that" the legality of school curricula may be challenged before the Council at a later stage. "

Finally, the Council of Europe rejected the request for suspension for reasons without examining at this stage the question whether the disputed acts "constitute executable acts of the administration subject to the supreme jurisdiction of the State Council, either in the sense that they do not constitute unilateral administrative acts or in the sense that they are acts of government "

Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ

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