The historical controversy about Hitler 's real goals during the Second World War has not yet subsided as long as the story remains an endless argument.
Historian A.J.P. Taylor formulated in 1966 the position that would conceal a whole line of thought: Hitler was only a traditional politician, of limited scope, who simply reacted to a given situation without a pre-established plan of world domination.
However, as many historians have pointed out, such as Milan Hauer in his 1978 article titled "Hitler Hitler World Domination", this line of thinking tended to ignore more than he had in mind.
Hitler had a plan for the day after his victory, a road map that not only guided his action from 1933 to 1945, but also described his plans for the conquest of the planet. Yes, the planet.
German historians of the Nazi period described this program as a "program", and it was only Hitler's grand vision of Germany's future role in world events. The Führer himself spoke of the New Order (Neuordnung in German) or sometimes of the New Order of Europe, revealing his dream both for the conquered territories and for spreading the Nazi yoke in the world.
The establishment of the New Order was not a stain of war, but the conviction of Adolf and his intention of yesteryear. For the first time, she spoke publicly about it on January 30, 1941 in her annual speech at the Berlin Sports Palace: "The year 1941 will be, as I am convinced, the most important thing in the world. historic year of the great New European Order ".
His dark vision included the creation of a pan-German racial state, built with the building materials of Nazi ideology, the mbadive annexation of the territories of central and eastern Europe and their colonization by German citizens and the natural extermination of Jews and Slavs (Poles and Russians). ), Roma and others still considered "submarines" and "racially inferior".
Today, historical records show that aggressive German imperialism was one of the main reasons for the outbreak of World War II. Historians continue to doubt the ultimate goal of Hitler. Some put an end to Hitler's vision of conquering Europe, while others insist that the annexation of the European continent would only be a stepping stone for German expansion in the world and the establishment of a world government based in Berlin.
His right hand, of course, Joseph Gobelsand the Third Reich Propaganda Minister had no problem publicly disclosing certain aspects of Hitler's vision. He declared on May 8, 1943: "Fyrer has expressed his undisputed belief that the Reich will dominate all of Europe, we must participate in many battles, but they will undoubtedly lead to other magnificent victories. of world domination is almost certain, and whoever dominates Europe will necessarily take control of the world. "
Heinrich Himmler was not ashamed to formulate the territorial ambitions of Germany in a 1943 speech: "This war will ensure that everything that has been annexed to the German Reich, Great Germany and the race German in the 1938s will remain ours.This war is being waged to keep the road to the East open.To make Germany a world power, establish the German Empire world. "
Breaking the Hitlerian vision by region, it would be a map of the world if the wicked of the Second World War took it …
The creation of the German Grand Reich
One of the most explicit and most clearly expressed plans by the Nazis was the future of Europe under Hitler Boot. Führer was planning to establish what he called the "German Nation Deutsche Grossgermanisches Reich", a European empire that included, alongside Greater Historic Germany, and all of Germany (except the Great Britain), where they considered Nazis lived by all the representatives of the Aryan tribe. The goal here was to eliminate all ethnic characteristics in order to keep the pure and racially homogenous Aryan origin.
With regard to Nazi sovereignty in southeastern Europe, suffice it to say that before the German invasion of the Soviet Union, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania Bulgaria and Serbia were already satellites in the area of influence of the Third Reich. Montenegro was also a satellite in Italy, Albania was annexed to the Mussolini tank and Greece was under the joint German-Italian yoke because of its serious resistance. As for Croatia, it was actually separated from the two Axis forces. Hitler envisaged here two large German bases, two permanent settlements, namely in Belgrade and Thessaloniki.
And then it was the extension to the east, the notorious living space of Eastern Europe. The plan here was developed from Adolf's book "My Fight", giving the extension of Eastern Europe the character of "historical fate". The Soviet Union was not in its raison d'être, but a "Jewish-Bolshevik" state, an evil empire that was to disappear from the surface of the lands.
For the "relentless Germanization" of Russia, he spoke clearly on February 3, 1933 to his officers of the armed forces, although the first step for the New Order began on June 22, 1941 with the invasion of the USSR . He dreamed of splitting up into two autonomous administrative regions, one comprising Moscow and most of European Russia (Moskowien Reichskommissariat) and the other of Reichskommissariat Kaukasus …
The plan of hegemony in Africa
Hitler 's geopolitical visions on Black Epirus were clearly secondary, the first objective being Europe. Of course, this does not mean that she did not have a "program" for Africa and did not just understand the annexation of the former German colonies. Africa would be divided into three, the northernmost part of which would go to the Italian fascist ally and the center annexed to the 3rd Reich, where, beyond the historic colonies prior to 1914, the French and Belgian Congo, Rhodesia, Northern, Southern Kenya, Uganda, Gabon, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Zanzavari and others.
As for the southern third, it would be controlled by a Nazi regime in the shadow with purely tribal criteria. Indeed, Foreign Minister Ribbentrop had already favored South African leaders in the early 1940s, agreeing to give Reich their former colony (South West Germany) and to create the Union of Africa South, taking all British possessions (Swaziland, Southern Rhodesia, etc.).
Sharing Asia
It was early 1942 when the secret diplomatic council was established between Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire for the sharing of Asia. The central Siberia River of Genesis has followed the border with China and along the border between China and the USSR, the northern and western borders of Afghanistan and the border between Iran and British India (including present-day Pakistan). .
The draft agreement was officially presented to the Germans by Ambbadador Hiroshi Osima, but Hitler did not accept, as the entire India was pbaded on to the Japanese, thus limiting German naval operations in the Indian Ocean . But Fyrer signed it on January 18, 1942, sharing India between Germany and Japan, thus thwarting the great invasion of the Japanese into Madagascar, the agreement having conquered the island in the sphere German.
The Japanese would buy the former German colonies of New Guinea and Samoa, but would take all of Australia and New Zealand and let Hitler make fun of the extinction of the Arian breed of Oceania. But he clarified to his officials that "the descendants of the Australian convicts" were not the responsibility of the Germans and that the lands would return to the Japanese and their own colonial projects. Historian Norman Rich discovered a series of secret documents revealing that Hitler dreamed of transferring Australian Anglo-Saxons into his eastern possessions, thereby stimulating the white element.
With regard to the Middle East and Central Asia, Hitler began to consider intensifying the war in the Mediterranean after the collapse of the USSR. The attack on the Suez Cbad, particularly by Turkey, the Caucasus operation against Baghdad and the subsequent invasions of Afghanistan and Iran against British India.
But he did not dream of German colonies, leaving the lands of the Eastern Mediterranean (Levantines) to the Italians. Jews from the Middle East would have pbaded, and in November 1941 he agreed with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to give him the region.
Hitler and Himmler had a particular understanding of Islam and Adolf confided to Grand Mufti, the pro-Nazi Palestinian nationalist Haji Mohammed Ammin al-Hussein, that they had common enemies: "The English, the Jews, and the Communists ". Al-Hussein dreamed of a fascist state coup against the British and Hitler promised to help him after the fall of Russia. The agreement also included sending a Nazi crossing to the area for the murder of all Jews.
Hitler has always considered Turkey as a potential ally because of its key geographical position and has promised the Turks a privileged status in the Nazi world clbad with autonomy and annexation of adjacent territories (perhaps Greece) …
The plan for the new world
To conquer endlessly the conquest of the Old Continent, Hitler wanted the United States to come out of the war. In the spring of 1941, in an interview with Life magazine, he described the German invasion of the Western Hemisphere as "as fantastic as an invasion of the moon and a lie that the American giants hoped would hope for war."
At the same time, Hitler rushed to characterize Arius as all the Indians of America (starting with Siu!) And began to promise the American Indians Federation the return of their lands. And nine months before the US descent into the Second World War, President Roosevelt himself (in a speech of March 15, 1941) referred to the New Nazi Order, recognizing Hitler's growing hostility towards the America and the risk that the bifurcator's attitude towards the new world:
"Nazi forces are not looking for simple transformations on colonial maps or on a minor European border, they are openly seeking the destruction of all elected systems of government on every continent, including ours … Yes, these men and their hypnotized followers call it "New Order".
Hitler did not even hide his aversion to the fall of American society, claiming that "half was rejected and the other half sterilized", and that "there are honest people in America, they are exclusively of German origin ". Since the end of 1941, when the Axis victory over Britain and the USSR seemed acquired, Hitler began to build a fleet of a terrifying size that, according to Lt.M. Historian Gerhard L. Weinberg, was destined to attack the Western Hemisphere.
Even the occupation of the Portuguese and Spanish bases was intended, in the Atlantic, to serve as German bases for the attack against North America. That's what Gringing's secret report said in the spring of 1942 that the Nazis would use the islands "to develop bombers against the American cities of the Azores".
We know today that in July 1941, Hitler called on the Japanese ambbadador, Oshima, to propose a joint war against the United States. Of course, he had already defeated the British and would own their fleet. "The Battle of the Continents" marked the war against the United States, although we have not found a clear plan on how to separate the states.
But for Canada, he had no plans, as he did not care, like Central America and Latin America, since neither he nor any other Nazi of High ranking has never talked about the South Continent, except perhaps by the fact that they have used it as a vicious example of "racial mixing".
Only trading partners were the states of Latin America. From 1933 to 1941, Hitler's goal for South America was to develop economically to steal a share of trade from Western powers …
New order?
After the decisive defeat of the Germans at the Battle of Stalingrad in February 1943, the Nazis went to the defense and the plans of the New Order, European and World, were necessarily placed in second place. Yet genocide against minorities continued to be an integral part of the "agenda" of world domination, but the Eastern Front remained a dream.
When the Allies crossed the Rhine and found themselves on German soil, the Nazi division of the world was transformed into Nazi survival. Only days before his badbadination, Hitler admitted that he might not have won the war …
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