The detention of the former security officer of the world's acting president is extended


The detention of Alexander Benala, former partner of French President Emmanuel Makron, was prolonged and it appears in a video to hit a protester on May 1, as well as by Vansan Kras, the policeman who was with him. facts

The announcement was made by the French prosecutor's office stating that it was extended this morning and perhaps for 24 hours

The two men were arrested yesterday Friday, while the day Yesterday was also announced from Benallas.

Belanlas, head of the French security, appears on a video that the "World" has downloaded on his site, wearing a police helmet and beating a young man during the May Day demonstrations in Paris.

Kras, a member of the Macron Party The Republic In March, was with Benalah in the episodes.

This morning, a search was made at Benalla.

19659002] Benallas had been allowed to join the police to maintain order that day, but as an observer.

Three police officers were also arrested, who were initially put on hold for "posting images of a CCTV system" for safety. At the same time, earlier in the day, it was known that the Minister French Interior Minister, Gerard Colomb, was scheduled to testify Monday morning before the Legal Committee of the National Assembly, which is responsible for investigating the Benalas case.

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