The dialectal response of Eleonoras Study to a negative comment!


We know that Eleonora Study does not "mince" her words and always says her opinion at any cost. The publisher is particularly active in social media and chatting with her online friends as she often responds to their comments.

The new mana has recently received from his follower an ironic comment on his decision to deliver by caesarean section and is called "rider".

Of course, the presenter is eager to meet her girlfriend online, that she stripped of what she wrote

" I will not dwell on how you have cleverly talked about doing cesareans.You do not know that I have taken all my days and that the child has not come down to find out that. she had more than one neck around her neck, and that you could not know my clinical picture because of previous surgery in the uterus years ago. "I attribute to your low potential intelligence index, at your young age and at your treatment.But what impresses me and I can not help it, is that you're opposed to this person, as far as I can appreciate your picture, tell me a rider ", written among others Eléonore

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