The difficult answer of Baia Antonopoulou to Papadakis! He's whipping with the glove & # 39;


For all, Baia Antonopoulou spoke in the magazine "Down Town" and, of course, she was asked about the episodic end of her collaboration with Giorgos Papadakis and the "Goodnight Greece" show.

Baia was born from ANTI1 beauty and for a year she was in the show Karamero – Haritata. After a while, she continued her career in "Good morning Greece". Beside her is her partner and chef Akis Drougas

You say you are arguing with George Papadakis. In fact, how he spoke to you very badly and decided to leave the breakfast. So what is your version? What would you say to me
There was really a tension that drove me to make that decision. It was something I had not thought of until then, sometimes the events are unpredictable and require you to change lanes. However, I think that the problem has been sufficiently solved and that I do not think it is worth discussing. In work, there are tensions, sometimes they cross borders and break, so it was like that. Every TV show has a fringe, but we limit ourselves, but we put what we can accept and what we can not. And I judged for my own limitations that I could not continue as things had happened.

Are you mad at him? Are you bitter? What feelings do you have for him?

I have no bitterness and no anger against George Papadakis. A business relationship ended this alone. Some things where you start and where you stop are an issue of education. I understand that some are waiting to expose someone I have been working with for a number of years, but I can not do it, it opens a new cycle and I can not wait.

Have you spoken to him?

We talked and asked if I would come back to the show. I told him that my decision is not to come back and close the case. We did not discuss anything else.

What did your partner say when you told him that you were leaving ANT1?

My partner supports me in all decisions and I am confident in my future journey. He told me that to make that decision, it is the right one and that he will be next to me in all the choices. I am happy to have beside me a person who supports me completely.

What are you doing now? Do you watch television and what shows?

I am currently studying at the Hellenic Open University, where I study Greek culture, I work at Atelier René, the family business that we maintain with my mother, and we prepare the bridal collection. for 2019. I also want to do some relaxed things with me. make happy. I'm trying to use my time qualitatively this time, waiting for my next professional step. I like updates, but if I suggest an advice for a show combining entertainment, I'd like to do it. I would like to try it, I will be pretty positive.

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