The disgusting thing of Mel B is hiding in his wardrobe – A piece of skin in a jar [βίντεο]


When Melanie Brown separated from Stephen Bellafonte, he decided to remove the tattoos that he had made with his name. He did not follow the "traditional" road.

Mel B, as the singer is better known, did not want to remove it to the laser because it is painful. She preferred to remove the piece of skin surgically and keep it in a jar that she hid in her wardrobe!

"What I adopted was so terrible," he said, apparently referring to divorce. "The tattoo that my ex-husband had forced me to say," Stephen, until death is broken, my heart belongs. " "I thought I could not remove it from the laser, because it hurts more than tattooing, and it takes 4-5 visits," he said.

She persuaded a friend of her doctor to remove him. "Cut this piece with his name, I kept it in a jar, it seems strange, I know, I have it in my closet, nobody can see it, but I know it's there and that 'he is removed from my body,' he added.

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