The EU's trade relationship with Mei "kills" the possibility of an agreement with the United States


US President Donald Trub was touched by the approach of British Prime Minister Teresa May regarding negotiations with the European Union on Brexit in an interview with the British newspaper The Sun.

"Well, I think that the agreement that is about to conclude is not the agreement voted by the British people, it is not the only way to go. "referendum agreement" in the UK to withdraw from the EU, said Trabb in an interview in a newspaper

"I had told Teresa, what I like, what I had to say on what he was supposed to do, how he had to negotiate (…) I would say it probably went in the opposite direction, "replied the Republican. "It's ok, he had to bargain in the best way he knows," but "certainly (the agreement suggested by Mei) will affect the trade deal with the United States , unfortunately in a negative way, "said Trub.

The agreement, which Mei is preparing to conclude, and the maintenance of close trade relations with the EU, "will probably kill" the possibility of a free trade agreement between London and Washington, he explained.

"If we conclude this agreement, we will negotiate with the European Union instead of negotiating with the UK, it will probably kill the case," Trabb in San.

Commentators of the property mogul who did just before his first visit to Britain after he became a tenant of Leu House, are published at the end of a chaotic week for Mei , during which two prominent members of his government have submitted their resignations, in protest of his plan of agreement with the EU on Brexit, which should have been finalized well before March 2019.

Donald Trab also said in his interview with Shan that he believes that Boris Johnson, the former British Foreign Minister – and one of the two disagreeing ministers who have resigned – would be a good Prime Minister .

"I'm not trying to put one to collide with each other," said the US president. "I'm just saying that I think he would become Prime Minister (…) I think he has what he needs."

Tramp claimed that he considered Mei a "good man", but he still attacked the mayor of the British capital. , judging that he is doing a "horrible" job in his office.

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