The farewell of Olivia Gavrili to her ex-husband Mano Antonaros


The famous journalist Manos Antonaros lost the battle by killing his beloved and his colleagues in mourning.

The well-known journalist was recently hospitalized at the Intensive because he was suffering from severe pneumonia
Many people have written in social media their own "goodbye" to Mano Antonaros. Among them and his ex-wife, Olivia Gavrili.

They married and acquired two wonderful children together. Athena and Archelaos. Today, Olivia was bidding him farewell

"In recent years, we seemed to have almost nothing to unite us in. But we had the most important of all: our children.
Once, of course, it was my Manitos and I was his Olivier. And today, I say goodbye …
Goodbye, Manitou! I wish your soul to rest and calm down. Below, I will do my best to raise two powerful and wonderful characters, Athena and Archelaos. We will always think of you. Thank you for bringing two so wonderful people to the world …
Y.K. 5 years ago you just wrote this text for me
It's funny, it's life … We've always said that … Memories become people … Memories »…

Read also: [19659003] The journalist Manos Antonaros is dead


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