"The Favorite": Season Movie by Giorgos Lanthimos


The history of the project evolves in the early 18th century, with England at war with the French

The new film by Giorgos Lanthimos entitled "The Favorite" with the Fox release date in the United States on November 23, got his first trailer .

The release date is not chosen at random because the film's actors rely on a possible Oscars. The latest creation of the award-winning Greek director has not been premiered in Cannes, as planned at the beginning of the year, but there is still a chance for Venice, at the Film Festival, to start the best movies of each year.

A year after "The Fall of the Holy Light", Lanthimos realizes for the first time a scenario that he does not co-sign with his permanent collaborator, Efimis Philippos, but Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara.

The case of the project evolves in the early eighteenth century, England being at war with the French. In any case, the consumption of duckling and pineapple remains popular among blue whales

The fragile Queen Si occupies the throne and her close friend Sarah governs the country in her place while taking care of her health [19459013WhenanewgirlAbigailreachesthepalacesheimmediatelybecomeshisbelovedSarah Sara takes her under his protection and Abigail finds an opportunity to return to her aristocratic roots.

As Sarah's tactics of war consume all the time, Abigail takes Sara's position as the closest. girlfriend of the queen. Their friendship gives him the opportunity to realize his ambitions and will not leave any woman, no man and no politics in his place

Performers Olivia Colman, Rachel Weis, Emma Stone and Nicholas Hult [19659009] naftemporiki.gr

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