"The Favorite": see the first trailer of the new film by George Lanthimos


Waiting end: The new film by George Lanthimos entitled "The Favorite" has a trailer

By Fox in the United States on November 23, not selected at random for a possible Oscar, the latest creation of the Greek director The award-winning film was not premiered in Cannes, as planned at the beginning of the year, but there is still Venice at the film festival, where many of the best films of the year begin their clbades.

A year after "The Fall of the Sacred Eagle", Lanthimos for the first time realizes a scenario with which he does not sign, with his permanent collaborator Efimis Philippos, but Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara

The Official summary of this film of the time and what we knew until now was:

At the beginning of the 18th century, England was at war with the French. In any case, duckling matches and pineapple consumption remain popular "sports" among blue eyes. The fragile queen If she occupies the throne, and her close friend Sara governs the country in her place while taking care of her health When a new maid, Abigail, arrives at the palace, she immediately becomes his beloved Sarah. Sarah takes her under his protection and Abigail finds an opportunity to return to his aristocratic roots. As Sarah's tactic of war consumes all the time, Abigail takes Sara's position as the closest friend of the queen. Their friendship gives him the opportunity to realize his ambitions and will leave no woman, no man and no politics to block him …

With Olivia Colman and Rachel Weis, old acquaintances of Lanthim by "Astakos ", as well as Emma Stone and Nicholas Hult

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