The financial scandal of megatonnes shocks Europe!


In a resolution tonight, the European Parliament condemned the big scandal of tax fraud "CumEx", which has cost more than 55 billion euros in funds from member states and European taxpayers.

The resolution, which acknowledges in particular the failure of the financial supervisory authorities and the tax authorities of the Member States, calls on the national and European supervisory authorities to open an in-depth investigation into these practices.

Europol also calls on the national authorities to initiate criminal proceedings if necessary and to impose criminal and financial penalties on the parties involved in the scandal.

The resolution was entitled "T.Scandal Cum Ex: "Financial Crimes and Gaps in the Current Legal Framework" were supported by all political groups, co-formed and co-signed on behalf of the Left Eurogroup by Dimitris Papadimoulis and the MEP from Podemos , Urban Krspo.

Papadimoulis for scandal:

"The investigation must lead to names and addresses as well as criminal and financial sanctions." The gigantic tax evasion can only be fought through tax harmonization and cooperation that close the "black holes" of "legal" tax evasion "and by creating a powerful" European Economic FBI ".

The gaps left by the tolerance shown by governments and institutions for years must be filled immediately.

Cum Ex, in addition to an example of criminal ruse of a powerful elite against European citizens, must be turned into a cause of strengthening all institutions: accountability, transparency, exchange of information required and strict penalties. "

It should be noted that the scandalous case of CumEx tax evasion was revealed by whistleblowers and made public last month by the international and German media.

Countries involved

The case was investigated for several months as a result of complaints.

On the basis of revelations, the practice of this tax fraud, which currently appears to affect 11 Member States of the European Union, occurred when large stock exchanges were exchanged in complex operations, which gave the impression to the supervisory mechanisms that the owners of the shares were important. and are therefore entitled to several tax refunds.

According to the first report, the CumEX scandal concerns large European banks and has cost more than 55 billion euros in public funds and in EU taxpayers.

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