The "fireworks" of the galaxy – science – physics – space


It is well known that the festivities of the National Day of the United States on July 4th are supplemented by fireworks in the night sky.

NASA wishing to participate in its own way at the party gave a picture of an awesome cosmic maternity that looks like fire jets … in the galactic sky.

It is the nebula NGC 3603 which is 20 000 light-years away from us in the constellation of Tropida. At the heart of the nebula emerges a super cluster of stars which, according to scientists, are all born at the same time, they are gigantic and very hot. Some of these stars belong to the clbad of the largest mbades of stars that can be created in the Universe. Most of the stars in this area will have a short life span and will turn into supernovae stars, suppressing supernova explosions.

The nebula consists of a dense intergalactic material (gas, dust) but ultraviolet radiation and powerful astral winds have created this "cavity" in which new stars are born. Scientists are studying this particular nebula not only to study the birth of stars in … peaceful conditions inside galaxies, but also how stars are created when galaxies collide

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