The administrative procedures for the payment of the advance have been completed today by OPEKEPE. The total amount stands at 21.9 million EUR. The advance concerns the second year of implementation of the shares and represents 75% of the beneficiaries' aid for loss of income (excluding the cost of certification and laboratory badyzes). will be paid upon redemption).
According to the same announcement, producers may file a cash appeal on Friday, December 7, 2018 and within five (5) business days, Thursday, December 13, 2018, electronically via the information system. action using their personal codes.
Beneficiaries have access to the badytical tables with the details of their payment calculation using their codes in the web application of the measure (https://p2.dikaiomata.gr/Organics16).
In detail, the OPEKEPE announcement concerning measure 11 "Organic crops" of the Rural Development Program (PLA) 2014-2020 states:
In accordance with the provisions of art. 2848/145689 / 28-12-2017 Joint Ministerial Decision (Official Gazette 4310 / B / 2016) setting the framework for the implementation of Measure 11 "Biological Culture" of the Rural Development Program (PAP) 2014-2020, as as amended, completed on Thursday, 29/11/2018, the payment of 75% of the advance on loss of revenue (excluding certification and laboratory testing costs) to affiliates producers to the plant 11.1.1. and 11.2.1. (Organic Farming) of the second year of application of 2018. The amount paid is 21 906 477.17 euros and concerns 10 378 beneficiaries throughout the country. The bank account credit process begins today.
Beneficiaries have access to the badytical tables with the details of their payment calculation using their codes in the web application of the measure (https://p2.dikaiomata.gr/Organics16).
Against the results of the payment of an advance and in accordance with Article 18 of the aforementioned decision, producers may file a monetary appeal from Friday, December 7, 2018 and within five (5) business days, ie Thursday December 13, 2018, electronically via the action information system using their personal codes.
With the intragroup call, producers can oppose the conclusions (codes) that appear when paying their advance and / or correct obvious errors regarding contracts with advisers by displaying them correctly in the corresponding section. " Contracts with advisers "information system. At the same time, they must take the necessary administrative measures to correct the data in a computerized way, through which cross checks are carried out by the PC. It is specified that the conclusions against which an appeal is lodged are examined only by computerization, based on data from the databases concerned.
For convenience, recipients can refer to the corresponding user manual available on the OPEKEPE website "Registration and Access to OPEKEPE Online Applications."
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