The first man on Mars will be a woman


The first man on Mars will be a woman. NASA educates a 17-year-old girl for this mission

Alisa Carson prepares to write history on the Red Planet, following in the footsteps of Neumann Armstrong
At 17, she is considered the new star of the NSAA in the space academy. She studies her clbades in 4 languages ​​in English, Chinese, French and Spanish. He prepares for the first manned mission to Mars in 2033 as a professional astronaut.

Discovery of gravity in free fall aircraft. It is prepared in special rooms with video projections, which give the brain the impression of what it is in the space

The immensity of the space the Fascinates from the age of three At 11, she was already wearing the first outfit. all the rest And yet for peers it is a model.

"Do not stop dreaming, do not quit, we are the generation of Mars and we will succeed together."

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