The first moments of freedom of the 53-year-old housekeeper after her release [εικόνες]


28/11/18 • 13:16 | UPD 28/11/18 • 13:17

Press room

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It is recalled that the woman aged 53 violated the certificate of completion of primary studies in order to find a job in the school cleaning service. The 53-year-old cleaning lady was detained in Eleonas of Thebes Women's Prison.

The court decided Wednesday morning to suspend the sentence of the 53-year-old cleaning lady until the Supreme Court appeal.

The woman was released shortly before 1 pm for health reasons, until the case was referred to the Supreme Court.

This development comes after the intervention of the Supreme Court Prosecutor, Xenis Demetriou, who asked that the decision in question be transmitted to him to determine if there were reasons justifying the disciplinary control of the judges who 39, have returned.

It is recalled that the woman aged 53 violated the certificate of completion of primary studies in order to find a job in the school cleaning service. The 53-year-old woman was detained in Eleonas women's prisons in Thebes.

We are now waiting for her to remain at liberty until her case is heard by Ario Pago.

Speaking to the cameras, her daughter stated that the 53-year-old woman was not in good psychological condition and that whatever she did, she did so to raise her children and that She received the court's decision with tears of joy.

A few days ago, the housekeeper said in the jail: "I was in a hammock. Running water from above. Providence came and saw the children as they were. I did not want to be able to take my children, to be in the orphanage as I was. And then, I committed this crime: I did it for a rank … ".

"And I worked, I worked I did not steal them.All that I filed in court … They did not talk to me, they did not steal. I just cried, I apologized to them Pay for what I did.Not that sentence, however … In the first court that had "thrown" 15 (years) … "

Indeed, as she describes it, in addition to her freedom, she was deprived of it … her insignia! After the disclosure of the case, the insured records were erased! "I lost my job but I worked every 20 years.I'd like I had never worked.They took me off the register.I'm n & # 39; I have no stamps, 20 years ago I did not work. "

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