The Fortnite player destroyed half of the card in one shot


When talent comes with talent

The talents of some video game players usually accompany the curiosity of trying things that often impress. That's what Toby_mcc did on Fortnite . In the LTM playground, the young man experimented enough and managed in one fell swoop to destroy almost half of the game card

"We connected all the buildings and destroyed the lower level." All buildings have been destroyed (19659004) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({version: {FB.init ({version: "v2.3", appId: "100728863631032 &" , Status: false, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); FB.Event.subscribe (& # 39; how.create & # 39 ;, (& # 39; comment.remove & # 39 ;,; FB.Event.subscribe (& # 39; edge.create & # 39;; FB. Event.subscribe ('edge.remove',;} (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [19459013 if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;}
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