The golden age of the iPhone has ended, Apple will not charge more users


Apple publishes since 1998 the number of units sold as part of its financial results, namely the year iMac G3. But in the Q4 2018 results, Apple announced that these figures would no longer be revealed. He tells us the amount of his income and income, but not the number of iPhone, iPad and MacBook he sold. The number of units sold is less important today than it was before, says Luca Maestri, chief financial officer of Apple.

The golden age of iPhones and, to a lesser extent, smartphones, is coming to an end. The reports of IDC and Strategy Analytics estimate that the number of devices sold in the fourth quarter of 2018 was 6 to 8% lower than that of the same quarter in 2018. To continue, Apple must generate more revenue to its future users. And the question arises: why this strategy?

Apple's decision was taken as an badumption of the looming recession that will mark the iPhone and, as a result, the stock price of its share fell by 7%. This reaction shows in the best way why Apple's decision not to publish its sales figures is the right decision (on the financial side). Markets and stock prices are not only influenced by reality, but also by the impression that it gives a fantastic future reality. Tesla shares fell 6% when CEO Elon Musk smoked hemp during the Rogan Experience podcast. Less than a month later, inventories rose again when Tesla 3 broke the record for electric vehicle sales.

Apple's decision not to disclose sales figures is an attempt by the company to isolate damaging fluctuations in stock prices and the overall negative climate in which sales are down. To keep the company on the ground, it should be able to make more money with a static user base that does not grow. And like any other company, its success is based not only on its profits, but also on its continued growth.

And Apple, it is already good to project to charge more buyers. And it started with the iPhone X of 2017, which corresponds to an increase of about 50% of the cost compared to the iPhone 8. The iPhone X was the most phone advanced, but according to the IHS market, it costs $ 137 more than its manufacturer but $ 300. more to get it. The success of the iPhone X, which badysts did not expect in any way, has not only shown the validity of Apple's decision to raise its prices. Open the way for Android manufacturers to do the same.

Sell ​​old as new

The MacBook Pro 13 series, for example. The cheapest model with an eighth generation Intel processor costs more than 2,000 euros. All other Macbook Pro 13s come at a lower price and use seventh-generation processors. Note that Dell had suspended XPS 13 laptops equipped with the seventh generation of Intel processors in November 2017. Apple continues to sell older models at higher prices than Dell. No Windows notebook manufacturer can continue to sell a laptop with such an old processor for so long. Are we manipulated?

Apple does not know you

Apple must be so aggressive in the benefits of its device, because unlike Google, most of its profits come from them. The after-sales service, which includes iCloud, Apple Music, AppleCare, Apple Pay and the App Store, has reached $ 10 billion. The company 's calculations indicate that this amount is expected to be ejected at $ 14 billion by 2020. The kind of growth that will offset the losses of the iPhone. Google's business model is based on gathering information. Apple not.

Google controls every aspect of your digital life – emails that you write to your smartphone with your smartphone – so you can serve more targeted ads. Apple will earn only $ 500 million through the advertising network of the App Store.

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