The granddaughter of the late King Constantine relaxes in Rome


In a photo, Princess Maria Olympia poses with a girlfriend in front of a fireplace and a golden mirror, in a setting reminiscent of a fairy tale

The granddaughter of former King Constantine Maria Olympia relaxes in Rome, with the granddaughter of the famous guitarist Kith Richards! The accounts of the famous girls in social media have taken "fire", photographing glamor and all the aristocratic parts of the place.

In a photo click, princess Maria Olympia poses with a girlfriend in front of a fireplace and a golden mirror, in a scene reminiscent of a fairy tale palace.


Maria Olympia has at least 150,000 faithful in her personal account at instagram The elegant and beautiful Princess Maria Olympia, 21, is the first and only daughter of Prince Paul's five children and his American wife, Mary

The mother of Olympia, Mary Sandal, is the daughter of American billionaire Warren Robert Miller and does not hide that the family has lived richly, spending time in his apartment, in London , in the Bahamas, in the summer and often traveling the private jet Valentino fashion designer.


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