The house of Theodoros Angelopoulos was completely burned – Files, correspondence and books were destroyed


Among those who were totally destroyed by the deadly fires in East Attica is the house where lived Theodoros Angelopoulos

"The house is totally destroyed.The books of my husband have was burned, his correspondence with famous people, his notes, his poems, all the books with writers who had dedicated it here, "said Phoebe Economopoulos-Angelopoulou, widow of the famous Greek director.

As she the said all the intellectual property of the director and all his documents were destroyed by the fire.

When the fire broke out, she was in the sea with her granddaughter and his daughter, they decided to go home and trapped in the car Phoebe Economopoulos-Angelopoulou describes how their house was completely burned and all they could do was save a box with the documents of the # 39; entrepri himself

At the same time, he launched a hard badault on authorities and reporters saying that there was no warning about the evacuation. "The bells did not fall, the sirens were not touched, no one was informed and the TV was playing bullshit," she says.

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