The Hun Sen Party announces that it suffered an overwhelming victory in Sunday's parliamentary elections


Prime Minister Hun Shen's party announced that it had suffered an overwhelming victory in Sunday's parliamentary elections in Cambodia, a highly controversial process of dismissal from the main opposition party that is taking place. is separated in 2017.

"We hope to win 100 seats" of the 125th legislature, said Shock Eisan, a representative of the Cambodian People's Party, citing preliminary provisional results released by the electoral commission

"The CCP will ensure more than 80% of the votes. "

The final results should be officially announced on August 15.

" Our compatriots have chosen the path of democracy, "he said with satisfaction in a message posted on Facebook by Hun Sen, in power 33.

"When you win without running any risk, you triumph without boasting," said Sam Reinsi, co-founder of the Cambodian National Salvation Party (KESK), the most powerful opposition party, in November 2017. [19659002] "For the first time since the elections organized by the UN in 1993, Cambodia no longer has a legal government recognized as such by the international community, "complained the leader of the opposition in exile while Brussels and Washington withdrew the money

The Government of Canada expressed its" concern "about the elections. "Many observers have found that the electoral process has been tarnished by intimidation and irregularities of voters," said the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs

"The use of justice to prosecute, intimidate and eliminate Opposition – including opposition leader Kem Soha, who remains imprisoned – and to clamp down on civil society and the press, is not a sign of free, fair and free elections. The Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

is subject to sanctions in Cambodia as a result of these elections, while US presidential spokesman Sarah Habakami Sanders has been heavily criticized.

One of the key issues of the elections was the level of abstention, with Sam Rheinis calling from France where he was exiled to save the prisoners from going to prison

However, according to the commission the rate of attendance was close to 82%, it was spectacularly increased compared to that registered p In 1969, in the electoral process, the "participation rate is generally higher", because "the party is based on intimidation of voters, the purchase of votes, "said

More than eight million voters were registered on the electoral rolls and 80,000 police officers were mobilized to guarantee the security of the process, the police deciding to stop any terrorist attack

Hong Sen, 65, and his wife Buon Rani, voted in Tamkhao, a small town about fifteen kilometers from Phnom Penh [19659002] Her powerful husband Friday, during the last major election campaign, Cambodia warned that it would not tolerate any questioning, saying that "measures had been taken to eliminate traitors", apparently making ref KESK accused of conspiring against the government. United States A.

The CCP has won all election matches since 1998. But in the last election in 2013, citizens protesting corruption were overwhelmingly in favor of the CEC, which accounted for more than 44% of the votes. voice, provoking

The government has since threatened a period of chaos in the country, where the wounds that opened the Khmer Rouge regime, which genocide nearly two million people in the 1970s, have not yet healed.

In invoking this threat, if the media were closed, another fell into the hands of the regime and the judiciary returned against the leaders of non-governmental organizations and others

Hun Shen, who is became prime minister in 1985 when he was only 32 years old, former Khmer Rouge, diverting from his role in the extreme Maoist movement, constantly taking action to ensure his long-term power . His three sons hold key positions in the army and the ruling party and actively participated in the election campaign. Twenty small parties that participated in the elections made a rather discriminatory election campaign

Many people told Reuters that they would vote no problem

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