The indescribable joke of Jeremy Hunt


The new British Foreign Minister, Jeremy Hunt, on his first official visit to China, made a mistake that was immediately titled and went around the world.

Trying to please his host during a meeting with his counterpart Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Mr. Hant wanted to say that his wife was Chinese. Inadvertently, however, she called Japan. He corrected it immediately saying that he had made a terrible mistake the present laughed and the diplomatic episode was avoided, but social media liked his gaffe while everyone remembered inaccurate mistakes of his predecessor Boris Johnson

Lucian Guo, the husband of the new head of British diplomacy, was born in Shan, central China. They met Mr. Hant in 2008 while he was working at the University of Worwich and he had three children.

Speaking to the Chinese Foreign Minister, the BBC writes that Mr. Hant mentioned his family ties with China as his grandparents. they live in Shi? year. So, why this gaffe

"Everybody looks like" is a joke in East Asia, certainly annoying for all, to confuse a Chinese official with another country by the time he is going to develop The relations of his government with the Chinese government could be a fatal mistake, let alone he is confused with Japan.

China and Japan are rivals. The two countries have been in conflict for decades over the territory of the East China Sea, and two Sino-Japanese wars have been preceded. In 2012, when the tension on the disputed islands in China increased, many protests against Japan were made

Of course, it is easy to confuse one. Mr. Hunt speaks Japanese and worked in Japan, he also said that Mr. Wang spoke Japanese before the official meeting, which may explain his linguistic sense. But confuse the origin of his wife

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