The killer's lie: "Grykos told me to bury his car" – Newsbomb – News


Until the last moment, the murderer of the breeder, aged 46, Dimitris Grikou, was trying to hide his tracks, as revealed by the files in the file.

This is indicative, as indicated "Real"that even when the police found the car of the victim buried in his breeding unit, he told them: "Ok guys … Gryakos told me to bury him and left for Skopje ". Then, of course, he was forced to confess that he was caught in the hands of the unfortunate, claiming that Greco's death was an accident.

Partners in the process of extinction

The well known lawyer of the brothers of the victim, Nikos Dilvas, it seems certain that the actor had collaborators who helped him to bury the corpse, but also the vehicle of the 59 – year – old breeder.

"There are others … He was not alone, he can not do all that alone, we have elements that reveal the whole truth, we think his accomplices were Romanian workers from his unit, who left the country by accident during the next murder, but the one who has returned secretly, we know him … "said Mr. Dilvs.

In addition, he says, the actor himself said in his testimony that these workers remained in the livestock unit. "He took the machines and dug … He carried the victims and no one was niggarded? It's impossible".

Although the actor has attempted, from the first moment of the disappearance of the entrepreneur, to mislead the authorities, as well as his relatives who were insistent asking him where he knew where was their man, since he was the last to see him before he disappeared, he did not succeed. The brother of the victim, also insisted the prosecutor of Ephesus, Vbadilis Floridishe heard it.

By order, he left the case open, noting: "According to common sense, MG Grykos can only be dead.The case of suicide or overtaking of natural cause is almost improbable because at least his vehicle would have been found For the same reason, he is not allowed to lose his life because of a road accident. "

Violently beaten

But why was an author and a victim arrested? The reason seems to have been the economic differences. According to the act of his wife Greco, his actor owed 40,000 euros and the fatal day seems to have told him that he would give him 17,000 euros, but he did not do it and apparently unleashed the fray.

"I excluded the fact that he gave her 17,000 euros in cash because he did not spend as much money without cutting bills. I learned this information from third parties, including an employee of the Pentalofos livestock farm, in Thessaloniki, following a telephone conversation with DD the day after extinction. said that DD told him that he had given my husband about 5,000 euros "said Greco's wife.

According to Mr. Dillen, the death of Dimitris Grikou was violent and he was being baderted by the accused.

"The two men seemed to have a lot of bickering over financial disputes and were caught in the hands, which resulted in the death of this 59-year-old man, the offender, in fact, is fat, he has a height of 1 , 90. He is a strong man, in each case the victim has several fractures, four broken sides, two of which had pierced the lung in two points, the nose was broken and a fracture in the temple. .concludes Mr. Dillens.

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