The "Movement" to strengthen the far right


Steve Bannon, a far-right and totally controversial ex-close of DT Tramb, intends to create a foundation in Europe to provoke a far-right populist uprising that will spread on the continent, according to the American Daily Beast website.

Bannon spoke on the site of his ambitions, setting his first goal of the 2019 European elections and planning to spend half of his time in Europe as soon as the US "midterm elections" end in November [19659003] The former Trump strategic planning consultant and far-right conspirator will call The Movement Organization and will be based in Brussels.

Before the elections of 2019, he plans to hire 10 employees and The goal of Steve Bannon is clear: face the foundation of American billionaire George Soros, the Open Society. . "Soros is a genius," said Banon, "he is the devil, but he is blessed."

According to the site, Mr. Banon had meetings last year with, among others, Nato Farage in Britain and members of the far right party of Marin Lepene France, but also the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

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