The moving story of 8 years of Syria walking with cans


Maya Merchrey, age 8, was born without legs and was forced to use cans as prosthetic limbs of the camp where she lived in the province of Indib, north of Syria

After that the 8-year-old girlfriend tried to move with the improvised prosthetic items made by the father of her gunner, touched the world public opinion, an expert in Turkey promised to help her to walk [19659003] #MayaMerhi #Sirija #Turska

Osmogodišnja Sirija Maya has been appointed to Turskoj i opako httch: // BqrkM9rKEp [19659008] – ANADOLU AGENCY (BHS) (@aa_balkans) July 2, 2018

His father, Mohammed Merri, who suffers from the same genetic disease, left Aleppo to escape the clashes. with their husband and their six children, and sought refuge in rebel Idlib

"We were faced with many challenges, especially to move from where we were to scenes (…) The situation was Generally difficult, she could not walk, so we had to do something to protect her legs from the ground, "said the 34-year-old, referring to the improvised prosthetic limbs that he did


The Turkish prosthetic expert Mehmet Zhei Kultsu rejected the donation proposals of the intervention, stressing that he would bear the cost

Ayaklarında doğuştan deformasyon bulunan 8 yaşındaki Maya Merhi

Play Suriye İdlib of bir mülteci kampında konserve kutularından yapılma protezlerle yürüyordu. Türk Kızılayının devreye girmesiyle Maya artık gerçek protezlerine kavuştu. April 6, 2018

Doctors now hope that the Mayans will be able to walk normally with their new prosthetic limbs

– Bora Demiraslan (@BoraDemiraslan) in three months, while emphasizing the that his father's determination made it easier for him to work while the girl was walking with the cans

"He did everything for the child to walk, and God helped him." Normally, no one thought he could walk with these improvised members, "said Kultsu.

Now his father will be subjected to an intervention for prosthetic limbs in Turkey. He explained that the operation of his daughter was more important than his own, to be able to stay alone

"I dream of seeing her walk, go to school and come back without suffering", did she -he says.


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