The net cover of TIME magazine that links Trab – Putin


With a special cover, the magazine commented on the recent meeting of the two leaders – It presents a formalized image of the Tramp with Putin

The cover of TIME magazine, which will be released on July 30, is special.

The cover features a formatted image that combines US President Donald Trump with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, who recently met in Helsinki.


The attitude of Trabble at the summit sparked criticism from Republicans and Republicans, particularly in what he said about the possible Russian intervention at the 39, Presidential Election of 2016.

"A year and a half in Mr. President, Trump's embarrbadment for Putin has not been explained," writes Brian Bennett on the website, explaining why this Welcome page was chosen.

TIME NEW Cover: Trump wanted a summit with Putin. He got a lot more than what he negotiated for

– TIME (@TIME) July 19, 2018

The artist Nancy Branson, who, as he said, hopes that the & # 39; The image will reflect the similarities between the two leaders. "What I always try with my work is to allow people to see differently," he said. he said, noting that the combination of people is a different way of seeing things that they could not do before.

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