The New York Times editor warns Tramp: "dangerous" rhetoric against the media


A meeting with Donald Trump was organized by Arthur Gregg Sulzinger, editor of the New York Times, warning him of his media rhetoric

Sulzburger warned the US president, met there about a dozen days. in the White House, that his rhetoric against the media is "dangerous and prejudicial".

"I have said directly to the President that I believe that his rhetoric is not only a factor of division but that it is becoming more and more dangerous" states in rev Sulzburger said, confirming that this meeting was held on July 20 at the request of the White House.

"I asked them to abandon these widespread attacks against journalism, which I find dangerous and detrimental to our country" adds the New York Times editor

Trab wrote in a message on Twitter earlier today referring to this meeting: "A very good and interesting encounter."

And he continued: "We spent a lot of time talking about the huge amounts of Fake News published by the media and how Fake News transformed with a sentence into" the enemy of the people. "The media as a whole, which he calls" Inside the Fake News "when he does not hold a favorable attitude towards him, receives systematic attacks from Trab.including the New York Times

The newspaper, one of the beacons of journalism and information of the United States, explains in a statement that Mr. Sulzmberger and James Bennet, who was responsible for the newspaper's opinion page, House White on a so-called confidential meeting. "

" But with Mr. Trump's tweet this morning, the meeting was placed in the public sphere, so AG decided to respond to the description of their conversation, according to the notes that he was standing himself and James " told the NYT.

"My main goal with the acceptance of this meeting was to share my concerns" explains the man who succeeded Arthur Oks Sultamburger at the head of the iconic newspaper.

"I told him that although the phrase" false news "is inaccurate and inappropriate, prejudicial, I am much more anxious about it

" I warned him that this incendiary language contributes to increased threats against journalists and will trigger violence " Arthur Gregg Sultamburger, 37, explains that this has implications abroad

" Rhetoric of the President is used by some regimes to justify widespread repressive measures against journalists " writes

" I warned that it was putting lives at risk, hitting the democratic ideals of our country and l & # 39; 39, one of the most important areas of our country's influence: the attachment to freedom of expression and the freedom of the press "

Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ- AFP

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