The official visit to Germany is planned by Erdogan – the world


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will pay an official visit to Germany, probably towards the end of September, Bild quoted government sources in Berlin and Ankara as saying.

According to the German newspaper, this will be Erdogan's first official visit to Germany after 2014 and the first since the Turkish presidency.

The plans for this official visit reflect efforts to restore relations between the two countries following the worsening of a series of disputes over crackdowns taken by Ankara following the coup d'etat. Missed state of 2016 and the imprisonment of German citizens and journalists


In January, former German Foreign Minister Zigmar Gabriel said that he was in agreement with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlott Tsavsoglu, to do so in the first place, that is it necessary to improve relations between the two NATO Allies

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