Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at 5:20 pm, delayed by the timetable due to other obligations on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Brussels
the meeting, the Greek Prime Minister will give a press conference
During the meeting, Mr. Tsipras should ask Mr. Erdogan the question of the two Greek soldiers held in the prisons of Adrianople and all other cases pending
M. Tsipras raised yesterday the question of the illegal detention of the two Greek military officers, without even accusing them, at the highest level, in the relations between the two countries as well as the Cyprus problem. NATO summit, where he declared that he was "unprecedented" for two allied countries and "an injury for the entire Alliance, which must heal the neighboring country with its immediate return to Greece ".
He addressed the Alliance leaders member countries, Secretary General of NATO Geschwader Stoltenberg and the during the conversation he had with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
So did Foreign Ministers Nikos Kotzias and National Defense Panos glowing, meetings with their counterparts who were on the sidelines of the Summit.
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