The original gift of 10,000 euros made by Prince McGreg Prince Harry to Prince Louis [εικόνες]


An original and expensive gift will be made by Prince Harry to his nephew, Prince Louis, who is baptized today. hui.

In particular, Prince Harry gave 8,000 about 9,060 pounds to get the first edition of Winnie the Pooh

According to a report by The Sun, the first book was published in 1926, the first edition of author is AA Milne and then about 30,000 copies were printed

 The first edition of Winnie the Pooh is the gift of Prince Harry to Prince Louis for his baptism

L & # 39 purchase was probably made by Peter Greening 's rare bookseller in Kensington, London, while a friend of Harry told the newspaper: "It' s the only thing I 've done. one of Prince Harry's finest memories since childhood, it was read by his mother (Princess Diana) before sleep. "

 Princess Diana read it before sleeping when he was little

Of course, according to Winnie the Pooh was not Prince Harry's first choice, as what he looked at originally was the Louis Carroll's novel "Through the Mirror", but its price, £ 24,000, seems to have prevented him from buying it

However, the gift it's not accidental because the same source reported that Prince Harry Small was worshiped to read

 Originally, he wanted to buy Luis Carroll's novel [19659003] As for baptism, 11 weeks Prince Luis, who is fifth in the order of the throne, will be baptized today by the Archbishop of Catherine Justin Woolby in the Royal Chapel of St. James

The ceremony will be private and there will be the royal family and friends of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

 The baptism will take place in the Royal Chapel of St. James is the first time that Kate Middleton and Prince William will appear publicly with their three children, while "present" should be given by Pipa Midleton pregnant and his brother Kate, James </p>
<p>  Also today Prince Louis princes will be announced, who will take part in a private traditional religious ceremony at 4 pm (UK time). </p>
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There are rumors that the Duchess and the Duke of Cambridge could choose as godfather their close friend and private secretary, William Michel Hed, who leaves this month


Photos: AP / Wikipedia

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