The position of Elena Akrita for the complaint of Mark Seferlis


After the epidemic Markos Seferlis In the show "After Midnight" with Eleonora Meletis, Elena Akrita has pbaded today … a counterattack. The well-known writer and journalist shared a Facebook message with a user message referring to the actor's lawsuit.

"Women, gays, coarse, disabled, short-haired, dwarf, trans, daring, deaf or dumb should not cry or sue for havoc, humor, anachronistic opinions and that performances are ridiculous, did you like Mr. Seferli who you thought you were, did you like to be in the place we occupy in your performances turn around in your cave and learn the root of entertainment, enjoy and return with more entertainment and less entertainment. "In addition, the journalist in the comments of the article quotes a series of negative reviews on the performance and on the presence of Mark Seferlis as a whole.

The original text of Akrita, which caused the explosion of the actor yesterday, also contained the following excerpt: "My sin will say, with all due respect to Kostas Georgousopoulos, I n & # 39; I have never understood why Markos Seferlis was considered a great actor, so talented yes, but when you make your parquet skill for grooming slippers, racism and all kinds of phobias to boil talent. his inspections – he writes himself and that says a lot – makes fun of women, gays, strangers, overweight, different, which rebadures the viewer that he has the right to to have a hen wit, to shake what he does not understand, to tarnish what scares him.In addition, they fill the dauphinesses with caresses and dragons in an audience that is always right. For his canceled cooperation with Pallas, I say I fell to the ground, I will not say that. Alla was a happy full and was, and last year with "Souso" and this year with the "Witches". That does not mean that "Seferlis will come to save us from destruction." What caught them and thrown the bar on the ground, no one knows. is that the producers of Katsarides and Kent did not give rights to the neighborhood. And the nobles are, and consistent with but as serious as the fact that there are 25 people out of work – and this is very serious – that does not justify a silly theatrical choice, you will tell me, discounts without seeing the show. Well, yes, I have to see Plutarch in "Gorgons and Busters" to separate the garbage from last year. theater? Just the trashy philosophy would bring Seferis to Pallas and we can honestly live without it. "

Check out Elena Akrita's post:

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