The President of the Republic welcomed students from Boston to the presidential palace


"Greece, centered around Athens, was and remains a cradle and cradle of a brilliant civilization.The pinnacle of Greek civilization was and still is its spirit which with its Extroversion and his innate creativity, "embraced" humanity and strongly influenced the "satiety" of man in his endless struggle to understand the world around him. "

This was underlined, inter alia, by the President of the Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos, welcoming earlier tonight at the Presidential Palace, a group of American students at the Northeastern University of Boston

"Greece and the people Greek, since ancient times they believe in the dialogue of cultures and their decisive contribution to the consolidation of peace, democracy and justice around the world, "Pavolopoulos said.

The President of the Republic expressed his support for the principle He declared that the "soft power" of international relations, which according to him "promotes dialogue and multilateral cooperation between States", while underlining the determination of European peoples "not to be missed by those who struggle for the dissolution of (19459003)" Greece and the Greek people believe that the American professor of international relations, Joseph Nye, calls "soft power" and is located, according to Nye , the ability to attract and persuade.While "hard power" – the ability to compel – comes exclusively from the military and economic power of a country, the "soft power" stems from the fact that the the appeal of his cultural data, of his lato sensu ideals and of his policies. "

" Soft power, "he continued," is the one that serves the most to prevent terrorists from recruiting supporters of the party the most vulnerable of their life, "he said, speaking to American students. pol n a society. In addition, "soft power" promotes multilateral dialogue and cooperation among states to solve the critical and thorny problems of international life. "

The President of the Republic expressed his opposition to the theory of" clash of cultures ".", Noting that "the real civilization has, according to its purpose, as its archetypal characteristics humanism and peace. "

" The pinnacle of Greek civilization was and still is his spirit, which with innate extroversion and creativity his humiliation has "humbled" humanity and strongly influenced the course of "sobriety" from the man in his endless struggle to understand the world that surrounds it.It is the Greek spirit that allowed the "crazy of the world" – to use the Extremely complete expression of Max Weber – through the birth of science and philosophy, which has made possible the unparalleled method of gradual conversion of information and experience in knowledge and in the knowledge in wisdom. "

In Greece, one can appreciate the importance of coexistence and the cooperation of civilizations

"Without a trace of ethnocentric arrogance and without underestimating the greatness and contribution of other cultures in the common workshop of human creation, I believe precisely because of the Above extroversion of the Greek spirit, here in Athens and Greece, one can feel more and more the need and the catalytic importance of the coexistence and co-operation of cultures, "he said. Mr. Pavlopoulos said, "The President of the Republic has continued to emphasize that the global turmoil and its dangers do not originate in the conflict. litismon, but the fact that these crops are decreasing alarmingly. "Despite the fact that, without a historical precedent, strong" warnings "of the twentieth century, as they emerged as" marks of fate "through the sounds of uranium weapons and blood rivers of two world wars , which – and, above all, has brought humanity to the brink of extinction, humanity does not seem to have received the message and understood the corresponding problem: The ship of humanity is became "insignificant" in the unexplored ocean of the 21st century, without a road map, without astrolabe orientation

"It is not strange that humanity today feels surprise and surprise his painful encounter with the "Lestyrgenes" and the "Cyclops" of the horror of war and the brutality of terrorism, "he continued.

" Some hastened to transform the turmoil world and the deadly dangers it holds in a sort of "culture shock". But the absoluteness of such a version underestimates the very nature of civilization. True culture has, at its destination, as archetypal characteristics of humanity and peace. Thus the conflict and the war are for the real civilization a form of "contradictio in adjecto".

The truth about the historical connection between modern world turmoil and its dangers and the course of individual cultures is at the other end: The global turmoil and its dangers have their roots not so much in the conflict of cultures as in the fact that these cultures are disturbing. And because of this decadent course, they are no longer able to fulfill the task of natural peace that their essence determines by their coexistence and cooperation on a global scale. "

crops are declining because & # 39; they lost their orientation [SeréférantauxcausesdudéclindescivilisationslePrésidentdelaRépubliqueanotéque"d'autrescultures-tellesquelanôtreoccidentaleetparconséquentlescultureseuropéennes-sontendéclinparcequeles"fuels"deleurcoursdansleprocessushistoriquetlountaicommecoupéimperceptiblementmaismalheureusementrégulièrementdesracinesquilesontsoutenusD'autresculturessontendéclincarellesontperduleurorientationpremièreaumilieudesmutationsdelaglobalisationsubissanttoutessesmanifestationstechnologiqueséconomiquessocialesetcEtmarcher"blindly"aatteintuneimpbadedangereuseunesortede"dam"quirendmaintenantaussidifficilequepossibledecommuniqueravecd'autresculturesN'oublionspascependantquetoutecivilisationréelleestpardéfinitiondestinéeàjeterdespontsdecommunicationavecd'autresculturesréellesetànepasconstruiredemursd'alienation"adéclaréleprésidentdelaRépubliqueetconclu[19659003]. "

" We European peoples are determined not to let those who strike the dissolution of Europe, the remains of Nazism. On the contrary, and with the decisive contribution of the dialogue of cultures, we are aware of our duty to ensure the coherence of the European construction to play its own global role, namely to defend the principles and values ​​at the global level. humanity, peace, democracy and justice, with emphasis on the axis of social justice, and therefore of the social rule of law.

With these thoughts, I welcome you to Athens. The owl of Athena, the sacred bird symbol of prudence, knowledge and wisdom, welcomes you to the eternal city of the goddess who thought of her spear. Showing, with a higher allegory, that for Greek culture and the Greek spirit as well as the spear always serves the thought. The opposite is unthinkable, completely foreign to the spirit state of the Greeks, from antiquity to the present day. "

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