The prosecutor closes the student record in Kalymnos


The prosecutor closes the student's file at Kalymnos

13/07 @ 23:58

  The Prosecutor closes the case of the student at Kalymnos

In a fall, the prosecutor attributes the death of the student Nicholas Hadjipavlou to Kalymnos

The information was forwarded to STAR's central newspaper of information

"We ask not to shut up his envelope … why did they murder him?", says in tears his aunt. "From the beginning there was a wall and we do not know why, "said his uncle and adds," Some do not want the truth to come out. What is happening … we have not asked anything absurd.

These are the first reactions of the family of the injured student, following the finding of the prosecutor

The mother of Nikolai Hatzipavlou left early in the morning and in a bad psychological condition for Kos. The purpose of obtaining the prosecutor's file. The answer he received was that the case had already left for Rhodes with the Chief Prosecutor. The student's family states that they will exhaust all legal means to prove that Nicholas was murdered



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