The "red" agent of Siberia


Agents, bad and weapons. Of all … well, it seems to have finally – according to international media and a host of court documents – the story of the Russian Maria Boutina, 29, the new Siberian "star" of American news, arrested Sunday in Washington his arrest was announced on the day of the Trab-Putin summit in Helsinki) and Wednesday night was imprisoned as a suspect

A resident of America with a student visa from 39; August 2016 (shortly before the presidential election, that is to say, International Master May 19, at the American University of Washington, and known in the powerful lobbies in favor of US weapons , the young red-haired woman is accused by prosecutors of conspiring against the US government, acting as a secret agent of Russia

is not spying and is not, at the Present time, at least included in the investigations conducted by the Independent General Counsel Moeller on Russia's participation in the 2016 presidential election.

At his first hearing, He was funded by a Russian oligarch "of close interconnections with the Russian government" . That he was acting "under the direction and control" of a senior Russian official who is not cited in court documents, but US media "show" Alexander Torzin: former member of the party Russian President Putin, now deputy governor of the Central Bank of Russia, who has been in close contact with the NRA since 2012, but since last April has been blacklisted by Russian officials against whom the US Treasury has imposed sanctions [19659002] court documents also indicate that the 29-year-old Russian has kept an "equally necessary" connection with a 56-year-old American (who is not named either but who would be a Republican political activist in South Dakota).

another person in exchange for a place in an organization of special interest, "supposed to be the powerful – and indeed the Republicans – the NRA of the United States

By these sides, a United States Department of Justice, Butt attempt to "penetrate the US national decision-making mechanism" as part of a "secret campaign" with "substantial planning, international coordination and preparation". [19659002] His lawyer, Robert Driscol, opposes his client being here and months in the "radar" of the FBI (last April, they searched his apartment). "There are" months "and voluntarily the young Russian "filed for eight hours" with the Senate Electoral Commission, providing a lot of information.

The same – he argued – offered to the Prosecutor Mueller without receiving a positive response

Nearly two years after the issuance of his student visa US authorities have found that Maria Boutina used false information at her request.

Officials from the Russian Embbady in Washington were to visit him yesterday

The next hearing is scheduled for July 24th.

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