The reduction of immigration was proposed by the President of Mexico at Trab – SKAI (



Earlier, Trab pointed out that he had had a "good conversation" with Lopez Obrador, predicting that their future relationship would be "very good".


  AP Photo / Marco Ugarte
AP Photo / Marco Ugarte

"Improving security" proposed by the new Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador told US President Donald Trump in a phone conversation that he had with him, he said. "Donald Trump contacted me, we talked for half an hour, and I suggested that we look at a global deal, development projects that create jobs in Mexico and at the same time reduce the number of jobs." 39, immigration and improve security ".

Earlier, Trab pointed out that he had a "good conversation" with Lopez Obrador, predicting that their future relationship would be "very good."

"I think he'll try to help us" on the border issue, he said the Republican President

The President of Mexico has proposed a reduction in immigration
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