The refugee must be treated in all its dimensions – Newsbeast


"The refugee must be treated in all its dimensions, and then we will have a successful and stable result.The main question for us is the formation of a new common system," said Dimitris Vitsas, Minister of migration policy at a press conference today.

million. Vitsas also noted: "The refugee-immigrant is at the forefront of current events across Europe, not because there is a new refugee crisis. There is no increased flow, at the level of Europe, I would note that the opposite exists.With the 2015-2018 data, we see a decrease in flows of 96%. "

The Minister, Referring to the recent xenophobic movements in the European Union, he underlined: "Xenophobic movements and the far right are investing in an anti-refugee program.This electoral agenda in Europe has gained and, from there, tries to impose a xenophobic tendency on the agenda, in particular an authoritarian and oligarchic agenda, an agenda to limit social and human rights and drastically reduce social conquests. The xenophobic agenda goes hand in hand with attempts to increase the time of e work by increasing the interference in the social life of the forces of repression, with the logic of a unique model and cultural orientation

Essentially, what we previously called Europe-Fortress today They call for border protection. But also within the borders, in the Schengen area of ​​Europe, one tries to impose a single path of social and economic life, a model supposedly successful. "And he added: "The enemies of the social clbades find enemies.

The enemy that the elites are promoting is the refugee and the immigrant. Whenever we need it because it is a cheap workforce and that it contributes to development programs, we invite it, whenever it's There is a social protest, it becomes the finger and the strong. There are political parties and forces that you can not call xenophobic or racist, you can call them conservative. Looking at the election results, they conclude that if they adopt this program, they will keep at least percentages or win. "

In addition, he stressed:" When you have an opposition to politics, values, lifestyle, you do is to adopt the agenda of the other side. Instead, you have to insist, in your own way, on your own agenda and on the European acquis, which is aggravated by common values, democracy, for example, respect for human rights for everyone. We must defend the European acquis, which is based on "vigilance", so as not to embody social fear. In this battle we will be victorious. "

Regarding the position of the Greek Government, Mr. Vitsas noted:" The refugee must be treated in all its dimensions and then we will have a successful and stable result. The first dimension is the external dimension. What are we doing in every region of the world where refugee or migrant flows are caused? What is the EU doing for peace processes in the Middle East? Second dimension of border management. Border management means that under the Geneva Convention and international rules, all asylum applications must be considered and concluded either by the fact that they do or do not require international protection.

Third, the internal dimension of the EU, based on the law a system of shared responsibility and redistribution of the burden and, at the same time, solidarity among states, based on the needs and rights of the population. In discussing these three dimensions, the goal is to establish a unique asylum system in Europe, a redistribution process based on a new Dublin, and thus define what is a crisis and what we do in such cases

. it has nothing to do with the host countries, but also with the countries of destination. "

In addition, Mr. Vitsas stressed the need to combat trafficking in human beings, according to him," to be considered a major problem there is cooperation between intelligence forces and repression ". central question for us is the formation of a new common system. The goal is to reach a common agreement by the end of 2018, "he added.

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