The request of the American pastor under house arrest was rejected


The Smyrna Court rejected the request of US pastor Andrew Branson to have raised his home during his trial, where he faces charges of "terrorism", the state television network TRT Haber

Barson, living in Turkey for more than 20 years, is accused of providing badistance to supporters of Futelah Giulen, the former preacher whom the Turkish authorities consider "orchestrated" by the attempt to 2016 State Coup.

Andrew Branson's lawyer, Ismail Cem Hahlworth, told Reuters that he had not been informed of the court's decision. (19659002) The exchange rate of the Turkish lira fell to 4.9230 against the dollar, the lowest level since today after the rejection of the application by the American pastor. Branson's trial is expected to resume on October 12.

Ankara threatens US sanctions by retaliation

Ankara will retaliate against any US sanctions for the trial of US pastor Andrew Branson, but expects the two countries to resolve their differences through diplomatic channels, said the spokesman of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Ibrahim Kalin pointed out that the foreign ministers of both countries who will attend a meeting in Singapore

Earlier today, a court in Smyrna rejected Branson's request to lift his house arrest in his trial, where he faces charges of "terrorism".

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