The … round table of gold and Richard traffickers: tourist buses "drove" gold


Stunning amounts: precious millions of euros, dozens of gold pounds! The constant revelations revealed by police sources about the gold smuggling circuit involving the famous pawnbroker Richard are causing a sensation.

Even Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras spoke in the House about the arrests made during the gigantic (uncompleted) concert in which more than 60 people were arrested or surrendered. Among them is the famous pawnbroker Richard (with his television commercials) Richard, who owns gold stores in Athens and in the province.

The Prime Minister congratulated the police for disrupting the circuit with white-collar criminals in his speech to the House. "I'm referring to Richard Garrison's pawnbroker network, which had tens of thousands of citizens who had their income collapsed and were desperate to find temporary help, selling their valuables at a great price. ", said Alexis Tsipras.

Pending official police notices, new information is revealed. The smugglers circuit had developed a well-designed machine to extract gold from Greece and send it to Turkey. Every day, the circuit was driving 100 to 150 pounds of gold! A few days later, the "cargo" had reached even half a ton! And how did they do it? They put the gold in "unaccompanied" parcels, which they placed in tourist buses that left Alexandroupolis for Turkey.

Until now, the police officers involved in this giant have seized 50 kg of gold for a million euros! The fact that police officers estimate that incomes are around 6 million euros per month is an indication of the circuit's action.

The … round table of gold smugglers

Members of two different circuits, considered a direct cooperation between them, were arrested by police officers in connection with a huge case that started yesterday afternoon and is still ongoing. A total of 68 people were arrested or surrendered. Among them, Richard, while a police officer would be involved in the circuit.

According to police sources, Richard would be involved in a wiretapping circuit. The members of this circuit appeared to have collaborated with criminals of ordinary criminal law. People who robbed and robbed in homes or jewelers and then sold stolen stolen stuff.

The circuits then led to theft in an illegal smelter located in the western suburbs. The jewels were melted and turned into gold plates. The gold was then mediated by a Turk-Armenian and a Syrian party for the black market of Turkey.

The police followed in the footsteps of both circuits, continuing the investigation that resulted in 2016 in the capture of the Roma spiral that had committed hundreds of robberies. The police knew that the culprits had then directed the robbery towards a chain of stolen thieves and thus continued the investigation. The secrecy of the communications was lifted and slowly the police arrived at all the members of the circuit.

The police installed the "leaves and feather" in the offices of the pawnbrokers and in his luxury residence in the southern suburbs.

According to the police, the pawnbroker would play a leading role in the circuit involving other pawnshops, always at the same sources. The police seized large quantities of gold, silver, jewelry and weapons.

Those arrested will be presented to the prosecutor today, while the presentation of the case is expected to take place in the afternoon at the General Directorate of the General Police of Attica.

Source: newsit

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