The seven players who won Pedro Martins in Zeffeld – Olympiakos


In Zeefeld, Pedro Martins drew his conclusions. For example, Vergos, Mantas and Saliakas are in a very difficult position. Nicolas, for his part, showed some signs of non-concentration especially in the Botosani-friendly, which was not noticed by the Portuguese technician

But there were also players who in the first phase seemed to have received the warm applause of their coach. Let's see them one by one:

GIAGOS VOUKOVITS : He spoke with him early in the preparation and explained that he would give him the opportunity. The Serb caught her hair and did not leave her. Although it is still too early to say much, Vukovic has made a serious appointment to stay in alignment with purely racing criteria. Something that he had not done in the first round of the championship last year. If a proposal comes that the Olympiacos can not refuse, then the data will change. However, Vukovic likes to coach, without saying that he does not want any other person – personality

PAE SIS : Words are useless. Martins had spotted it in the videos that he had seen and found in the first phase of preparation in Austria. KAMARA MANTI : The African had won his coach almost on a "hello". From the first days to Renti for accuracy. His former killer had two very good appearances in the friendly match, but what interested Martin was to be just as constant in training. Honest soldier of Olympiacos. First of all, Martins thinks he's going to mark the new season despite his small numbers in Leganes. KOSTAS FORTOUNIS : Martins wants to build the new Olympiakos around Kostas and has said in general. The bottom line is that the international ace has gone into a rage in preparation, seems more … crushed (in good terms) than the previous two seasons and is something that he likes in the Portuguese

MARKO MARIN: until a month ago ready for … other states. Finally – as expected – he would normally follow the preparation and at least at this point he won Martins. From that moment, however, this is not just the subject of the coach. He spends the last year of his contract, gets over a million and the information says that if a good proposal comes even towards the end of August, Olympiacos will not say no . The race for time has won the coach, but that does not mean that in the end, Martine will be spoiled when he finally leaves. The fact is that he went into preparation as an ephemeral and that only "laxity" did not show in the eyes of his trainer. Kostas Tsimikas : Another man came from Villem. There is no connection with Tsimika in 2016. At this time, Martins is ahead of Koutri, even though Leonardo was in perfect health and he normally took the entire training program [19659006]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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