The sins of the former president of CBS: He forced a young actor to do it …


The resignation of the powerful American media and television actor for more than two decades, Leslie Munes, surprised no one, since (as in the case of Harvey Wainstein), his inappropriate behavior was a common secret in the film industry. entertainment.

These complaints concerned events that occurred between the 1980s and the early 2000s, including forced bad, intimidation, and so on. In the announcement of his resignation, Muñas himself spoke of "false complaints". filled with exaggerations about cases that would have been "decades" before and that do not show who they really are.

One of these complaints, which he tried to exaggerate, could cost him the compensation of $ 120 million he was supposed to receive from the American network after his resignation. It's an incident between actor and actor Bobby Phillips, 25, in 1995, while he was president of Warner Bros. He had invited him to his office to discuss a possible collaboration.

Philipse recently spoke to the New York Times about what had happened in this office and his idea of ​​attacking a baseball bat against big screen television.

Upon entering Munve's office on March 7, 1995, Philippi was greeted enthusiastically by Warner's President. Munias, who was then married to three children, told her that she had recognized her talent and offered her to meet her in the casting director of "Intensive", the hit series that had a resounding success in in the 1990s. She then showed him on a table, other television projects that "worked" at that time and maybe they were interested. But when the girl turned to him, he saw with terror that he had pulled off his pants and underwear and watched her smile.

"You see how much you hurt me," he told Philippe Mouveres, shot dead, adding that while he agreed to become his daughter, he would put her in the television series of her choice.

Then Mouvees grabbed the girl by the neck, forced her to kneel and put her penis in his mouth with his breath. At that moment, he picked up the phone from his desk and Warner's chair went to take it, leaving it alone.

In shock, Phillips watched a baseball bat resting on a piece of furniture, which also adorned a picture of his wife, Mouvees. "All I thought was how much I wanted to beat my head with the bat," said the 50-year-old woman at The Times. She was even about to realize this idea, having taken the bat.

When Mouvees finished the phone call, Philip decided to do what she had in mind, brushed the ground, said an excuse and ran away from the office. Marv Downer, who was his manager at the time, told Times that Munses told him in an SMS in April that "if Bobby speaks, I'm overwhelmed".

The two men exchanged several messages this year about this case, messages that the former CAS president had ordered Dawn to leave, but that was not the case.

Muñas himself tried to dispel the traces of his communication with the manager, which could cost him dearly. One of the conditions of the network aimed at paying exorbitant compensation to its former leader was to cooperate fully with the investigation of the authorities responsible for complaints and deletion of critical messages certainly violates this term.

The result? Once the mighty Almunia can finally come out with empty pockets of the grid where he has solved and lived nearly 12 years.

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