The solution found by Italy for the 450 immigrants


On a Frontex ship and in an Italian coastguard unit, the 450 immigrants captured in a fishing vessel in southern Sicily will be transferred following a decision by the Italian Government. Children and women have already been transferred to Lampedusa for medical examinations

As the Athenian news agency reports, citing leaks, the Italian government made this decision not to be accused of 39 to accompany people at imminent risk. 19659002] The Italian Interior Minister, Mateo Salvini, demanded that the Maltese authorities take charge of the rescue and the reception of about 450 immigrants aboard this ship in the region. The Maltese authorities were responsible for the search and rescue operations, stating that "this ship could not and should not reach" in Italy

Initially, yesterday, the Maltese authorities had announced that they would accept the fishing vessel in their harbor,

It is now planned to select a port of Lower Italy, where the two military ships may be guided by the survivors, unless the Italian Government again asks Malta to accept a his own port

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