The thrill and the … won bets on the last show


Today, Friday was the last show on the "Kou Kou's Nest" and the climate was very busy. This is why, as Katerina Karavatou explains, "I will be moved because of this show, I do not want to be released at all."

The journalist referred to an earlier television experience that he says has "suffered". While I said with humor that those who bet that they cry in the last show, they fell.

"Once I had not entered my professional television career and the year I was not angry, I was waiting for the hours of the last concert to pbad and I did not pbad, it was unbearable what was happening and I wanted to be released.From this show, I do not want to be released at all.It's really the best that I've personally experienced and It's a show that all people normally give their souls and it's the ultimate imprint of the truth.I like a verse from Ulysses Elysis who says: Jump faster than wear! We with Kratero such a jump we made here. "

In a charged emotional climate, Krateros Katsoulis said:" I want to thank myself personally because it was a special year and difficult for me, thank you all for this support.And here and in the theater we have pbaded strong.I thank everyone from the bottom of the c heart because, above all, we are people. "

Star's morning show once again put the channel into competition with a group that had been harbaded in the past, returns in September

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