The well-established choreography of Kotzia-Kamenou with a focus on Macedonian – Politics


A repugnant endless party is the case of the SYRIZA-ANEL co-government. Afternoon popular but with a very expensive ticket for Greece. At the same time as the Zafe government created a party all over the country to celebrate NATO membership and acquire a Macedonian identity … erga omnes, Panos Kammenos and Nikos Kotzias play the game of the Macedonian conflict [19659002] Not that there is not a huge gap between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Pentagon, however, publicly, two senior ministers involved in national affairs and defense of the country, do not have a huge gap between do not appreciate the country.

Counterparts Kammeros and Kotzia began before the agreement

The Minister of Foreign Affairs would play the role of a reformer and a high diplomat who would end an embroidery affair as have written some foreign media, including a number of foreign media, while the defense minister would play the role of an overpopular who would be permanently angry and react, threaten to overthrow the government, but in the end he would … shake his Greek heart and stay in the "lame" ministry of defense with all the comfort,

And, of course, putting before all the salvation of the homeland by the "wicked" , interlocutors, entrepreneurs and hostile media, he would reinvent his egoism to be led by the NATO summit

After Kotzia's interview to the German FAZ, the franchise continued, where the minister said that the agreement of Prespa would be adopted by 151 deputies and without ANEL, suggesting that they will find elsewhere the crutches they need However, Tai SYRIZA.

disclosed, and another portion of FIG. The possibility of ratifying the agreement with less than 151 deputies in the event that a party does not take part in the vote, therefore a relative majority is necessary

Virtually private of Panos Kammenos, who insists to ask 180 deputies with SYRIZA to show that he does not need

And there was the announcement of the representative of ANEL who invited Kotzia to take care of his house, as if the Independent Greeks were not actively involved in the government

The shadow Atros continues and as they say those who know what is being discussed in the corridors of Parliament, will continue to decide on the flamboyant heroic exit and stop support the government. So he will be able to play the pre-election papers of the patriot fighting for Macedonia while Tsipras of the persecuted because he is a reformer and a great diplomat who does not let the right of Kammenos make reality the historic agreement that "was right and became an act".

The question that arises is until when Kammenos will remain in the Pentagon's comfortable armchairs. Until he put the limit of the resistance of his patriotic conscience to decide to go see the President of the Republic and say that he stops supporting the government

The scenarios give and take. To leave for an impending reshuffle in the fall and starting the new … Macedonian until the agreement arrives in the House. Until then, the show will continue …

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