The widow of Pablo Escobar reveals the secret that she has been hiding for 44 years


It was the secret of a life that she had decided to take with her to the grave. Finally, Eugenia Xenao, 57, of Victoria, widow of the unscrupulous baron of cocaine, Pablo Escobar, had the courage to reveal this sad secret, even if she knows that the world will be even worse for the husband who is his husband for 17 years.

In the epilogue of his book "Mi Vida and Mi Carcel with Pablo Escobar", which is due to be released on November 15, Escobar's widow reveals that he raped her when she was naked. Was only 14 years old. Pablo Escobar, 25, "one day kissed him, kissed him and paralyzed him with fear, he said that he was infinite and three weeks later he started to feel" weird "and he asked him to follow him to a remote Medegine neighborhood, where an elderly woman was left behind.


There, the woman put Henano in her bed and her plastic tubes in her belly … "An elderly woman who just greeted me told me to lie on a stretcher and start to me. put plastic tubes in the womb .. me Like those who put the veins, telling me that it was for the sake of precaution.When I asked why she had answered me so as not to not to become pregnant, stressing that I should follow the instructions to the letter, "said Escobar's widow in the epilogue of her book.

As Henna said, the pains were unbearable, but in a house where eight people lived and where there was only one bath, he could only have patience and pray to God that everything would end soon. For years, the woman remained silent and did not reveal her rape, because "in the seventies, bad before marriage was a taboo and unforgivable sin in the eyes of the church", Henna writes.


After years and after Escobar's life, his widow received psychological help and realized that what had happened to him at the age of 14 was a rape. Then Henna decided to tell her secret to her two children, Manuela, 34, and Sebastian, 41.

Despite her rape by Escobar, Jenaco states that she forgives him and does not wish to portray herself as a victim of respect for her husband's other victims. She is grateful to the two children born of her union with the "king of cocaine" and for the sake of which she continues to live.

Henano first heard about Pablo Escombard at the age of 12 and at the age of 23. Escobar expressed his interest through friends but their relationship began when Henano was 13 years old. The couple joined the marriage chains in 1975 and remained together for 17 years until the death of Esquabar on December 2, 1993, when Escobar fell from the Colombian police force.

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