The first major upgrade of the MacBook Pro from 2016 announced Apple in the middle of the summer
The new 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Pro will include up to six main processors and 32 GB of RAM. In particular, the MacBook Pro Touch Bar models feature Intel Core eight-core processors, with six cores in the 15-inch model for up to 70% faster performance and four cores in the 13-inch model for two-way performance times faster [19659002EnmêmetempslenouveauMacBookProprendenchargejusqu'à32GodemémoireunaffichageTrueToneetunclavieraméliorédetroisièmegénérationIlcomprendégalementunecartegraphiqueRadeonProungrandtrackpadavecTouchForceTouchBarTouchIDdeshaut-parleursstéréounportThunderbolt3pourletransfertdedonnéeslechargementetlaconnexiondedeuxGPUexternesou5K
Pro 13-inch and 15-inch will be available in Greece and Cyprus and will be available in the colors Space Gray and Silver
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