These are the five things you need to do before you go on vacation –


ESET: Here are the five things you need to do before you go on vacation

The holidays are the perfect opportunity to relax, but even then, we must not neglect cybersecurity because we are outside our well-known digital environment. be exposed to unpredictable threats. In order not to be in the wrong position to spoil our vacation due to a possible cyber incident, we can apply the following five tips from ESET.

  • The less gadget better this is. Try this digital party to become a "digital minimalist", taking with you only the basic and absolutely necessary devices and leaving the rest at home or in the office. The less you have with you, the more you reduce the risk of endangering your devices, information and data. Also consider the possibility of using a temporary device with the least possible personal data stored during the holidays.
  • Software and applications that work. Make sure your operating system and applications are up to date with the latest fixes. Do not forget to install the updates, especially the most important ones, to avoid being exposed or you will not have to rely on an unreliable and insecure public Wi-Fi connection or on your data. It is also recommended to uninstall old and unused software and to disable accounts that are no longer used. Finally, be sure to use a trusted malware protection software, which is also up to date
  • Distracting the lives of cybercriminals Boost the defense of your devices as long as you can in using pbadwords, pbadwords, powerful and unique PINs, or any of the available biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprint scanning or facial recognition. In addition, configure the device to automatically lock its screen when it is idle. The chances of your data falling into the wrong hands can be greatly reduced by encryption, a feature that, depending on the device, can be offered as an integrated (but not necessarily enabled) solution or as software third. Finally, activate the theft protection feature, which allows you to keep track of your device even remotely and delete all its contents.
  • Do not Forget back up . The loss of personal data stored on a laptop or smartphone may be more important than the loss of the device. This is why backups can be especially useful even if a device is compromised, lost or stolen. With encrypted backups of data stored in a secure offline location, you can also save yourself from the negative effects of a malware infection, an attack ransomware, or even a malfunction of the Device
  • Finally, pay attention and moderation. Simply put, it's a good idea to avoid telling all social media that you and your family will be away from home for the holidays. The temptation to share it can be great, but think it can expose you to a physical invasion of your home, which can put your devices and backups at greater risk. The boundaries between virtual and real worlds can be very blurred and even apparently harmless digital actions can have profound effects on real life

For even more useful security tips, check out the ESET WeliveSecurity blog. com [19659014] Share

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