"At this point, according to investigations by Toronto police, Meanwhile, police yesterday named a 29-year-old man who opened fire late Sunday night on a busy Toronto street. of restaurants and cafes and shops, killing a girl of 0 years old and a girl of 18 years old and wounding the others 13. He was found dead a little after the carnage, according to the authorities
It was Fizzal Hussein de Torazo, according to Toronto Police Chief Mark Soderbergh Wojciech Hussein has suffered a child from "serious mental health problems"
According to the young man's family, Faizal Husain has suffered of a child with "severe mental health problems", which was never able to overcome despite taking medication and treatment
"We are totally upset by the inconceivable news that our son has committed these acts of irrational violence and that he is responsible for those lives ", he said is the family of Fizzal Hussein in a letter to the public television channel of the CBC
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