They sucked Suleimanoglu to take a DNA sample – Weight loss


Suleimanoglu died in November 2018, at the age of 50, one month after liver transplantation. The 50-year-old weightlifter has long suffered from cirrhosis of the liver

As reported in a Hurriyet Daily News publication, Souleimanoglu's daughters of his Turkish partner oppose the drug. exhumation, but the court decides to continue the trial. As Seki Mori's lawyer said, exhumation is usual in paternity cases if the father is dead, adding that Suleimanoglu's DNA samples that were at the The hospital was inadequate for paternity testing

. Suleymanoglu wrote in his alliance that Secai Morri was entitled to his inheritance

According to some reports, Suleimanoglu met Kiuko Mori, a Japanese journalist, at the Seoul Olympics in 1988. Mori, who was 10 years old, was born with him in Turkey and gave birth to a girl in Ankara in 1991. Later they broke up, and Morley would have been unable to contact him during his visit to Turkey a few years later with their daughter

Many years later, after his death, Sekay Morri was identified in Japan thanks to the efforts of his brother Naim Souleimanoglu, Muhammad. It is worth mentioning that the Turkish weightlifter – born in Bulgaria, a member of the Turkish minority in the country – never married, but acquired four children of three women


Photo Credits: AP Photo / Michael Probst

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