This was happening at the Power of Love home just after the cameras closed


The former power of love player, Anna Lorena, talked about life at home, coexistence with cameras and also about her origins, revealing what was happening in women when cameras were closed.

What was the biggest difficulty you had to deal with?

"What is the biggest difficulty you have to face?" The difficulties were numerous. I was very confused when I had to talk to my team mates and take a seat. It was not in my character and I was oppressive. "

When the cameras went out

" We were in a process that we did not understand when the cameras were writing. Especially with the girls, we were continually together. The first thing we did was go on social media and see comments from around the world. Some gave power and others were saddened.

-What made you sad?

"Many have lived my birth … I understood that they did not like me by character but by origin. It did not bother me so much, but because the other kids were saddened because they could be from the same country and end up on their own.

Me, at this age, I conquered them, I also live abroad where the origin is of no interest to anyone. "

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